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Background to this Research being taken up at a global scale

World Economic Confederation under the leadership of scientists and eminent thought leaders intends to study in the respective country or a localised geography generate country and region specific report on mercury’s impact on that country and its people.
This model is based on World Economic Confederation’s 16 key factors interaction model that senses for early warning signals and trends. Based on this an estimation and extent of damage that this metal mercury can have on that any defined micro or macro geographical location. Based on this what the decision and policy makers of the country can do to avert a full blown crisis in a few decades. How the economy of that localised area or geography is impacted and how people in that localised area are behaving and their mercurial behaviourial index which if not addressed quickly can result in negative impact of the most impacted people in that area. Also for each such ill effect found, what are the remedies and solutions shall also be discussed.
Not much research has been carried out else where and World Economic Confederation has started its work into this new but most demanding area now.